
Quizmania: Trivia Game

Approved for all ages

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Quizmania: Trivia Game - Find the right answer!

Quizmania: Trivia Game is an interesting quiz game in which you can test your general knowledge.

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Whether it's geography, history, biology or pop culture – this quiz will test your general knowledge. How well did you pay attention in school? How closely do you follow current affairs? Find out in the Trivia Game!

You are not on your own. Just like on the popular TV show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, you have a few lifelines at your disposal. With each correct answer, the bar above the questions fills up and you have the chance to win coins. You can then use these coins to buy lifelines.

These lifelines are available:

  • Dice lifeline: This gives you two chances to choose an answer.
  • 50/50 lifeline: this lets you cross out two wrong answers.

If you give a wrong answer, you lose some of your progress on the coin bar. So think carefully before you log in!

Can you answer all the questions and become the trivia champion?

More quiz games for puzzle fans

Did you like Quizmania: Trivia Game? Then why not also take a look at Braindom 2. In this puzzle game, you don't just have to answer questions, but also solve logic puzzles. Or you can try to guess which was the most common answer to a question in Guess Their Answer.

Now put your grey cells to work and answer the questions! Play Quizmania: Trivia Game now for free online on KibaGames!

Details about

Quizmania: Trivia Game

  • Online since: 16.|12.|2024
  • Publisher: Inlogic (145)
Quizmania: Trivia Game
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