
Snowball Destroyer

Approved for Ages 6+

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Snowball Destroyer - Roll a giant snowball!

Snowball Destroyer is a winter fun game in which you can roll up a giant snowball!

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How far can your snowball roll and how big will it get? Throw a snowball and decide at the beginning how strong and good you throw it. Your character is dressed up as Santa Claus for extra fun!

When Santa throws a snowball, a color scale appears above him. Red is a weak throw, green is a strong one. So react best when the arrow will fly over the green color and press the mouse button or your finger on the screen at the right moment to make the snowball fly as far as possible over the playing field and land. Now you have to control it by swiping and make it bigger. In the snow your snowball will get bigger, in the dirt or on meadows it will slow down and slowly dissolve.

Ram objects out of the way for extra points, but only mess with obstacles that are also in your size range. Fortunately, you'll recognize that in time. If the objects are colored, you can roll them over, if they are grayed out, they are too big for you and your snowball will break. After each round you'll receive coins according to the meters you've covered. Use them to upgrade your ball to a firmer and colder snowball or improve your throwing strength. With the third upgrade, you'll earn more offline coins while you're not busy throwing snowballs.

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Snowball Destroyer

Snowball Destroyer
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