
Las Vegas Poker

Approved for Ages 12+

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Las Vegas Poker - Go for the pot!

Las Vegas Poker is a new poker game where you can play your way through three tournaments and win the pot!

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Las Vegas is closely associated with the popular card game as an entertainment metropolis, but you don't have to travel to Nevada to play poker. Sit down at the virtual poker table in this new online game, choose your avatar and get started!  

Play through three different tournaments with different prize pools and stakes in London, Rome and Las Vegas. The more you play, the faster you unlock more avatars. In addition to the tournaments, you can also play open games, where you choose how many players you want to play against at a table.

How to play poker

At the beginning of Las Vegas Poker, familiarize yourself with the basic poker rules.

As always, your goal is to have the best poker hand to win as many chips as possible. Use your play money wisely. Real money is not used as a wager in Las Vegas poker.

  • At the beginning of a game round, each player receives two cards, called hole cards.
  • Five community cards are revealed during the game round.
  • Use these cards for your poker hand, combining as many hole cards as you like with as many of the community cards as you like, until your poker hand consists of the best possible five cards.
  • Place your bet, the chips, into the pot in the center of the table.
  • Now it's up to you to have the best hand, or at least pretend to have the best hand, that is, to bluff and gradually get your opponents to fold, call, or show up.
  • If they call, they raise the bet.
  • Once all players have placed their bets in several betting rounds, the game round ends and the player with the best hand is the one who counts.

These are the Poker Rankings

Use the following poker hands to determine who won. The ranking starts with the worst option and goes up to the highest possible poker hand.

  • High Card: Here the highest single card is decisive.
  • Pair: Two cards of the same rank form a pair.
  • Two pairs.
  • Three of a Kind: Three cards of the same rank, for example, three cards of the rank five.
  • Straight: Five consecutive cards, regardless of suit.
  • Flush: Five cards of the same suit.
  • Full House: A pair and three of a kind.
  • Four of a Kind: Four cards of the same value.
  • Straight Flush: Five consecutive cards of the same suit.
  • Royal Flush: Highest possible straight, i.e. 10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace in the same suit.

More interesting poker games for you

If you liked Las Vegas Poker, check out Poker World!

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Details about

Las Vegas Poker

  • Online since: 17.|03.|2023
  • Publisher: Inlogic (144)
Las Vegas Poker
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