
Flip Knife

Approved for Ages 6+

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  4. Flip Knife

Flip Knife - Make the blade jump!

Flip Knife is an exciting reaction game in which you have to make your knife do precise somersaults to achieve a high score.

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Take on the challenge and throw your knife into the air by clicking or tapping, just like in the bottle flip challenge. Flip it from piece of furniture to piece of furniture to reach the goal – without it falling down.

You get points for hitting objects such as shelves, lamps, dressers or rocking horses on the course if your knife sticks with the blade. With each successful flip, the score for a hit increases by 1. If the knife lands on the floor, you lose the level. You can play it again, but you lose your point combo and start again at 0 points.

The gameplay is simple but challenging – the further you get, the more difficult it becomes to achieve a perfect landing.

Tips and tricks for a record

  • If you click again while flying, the knife will do a double flip. This allows you to reach furniture that is further away. But be careful with your timing and don't miscalculate, because you can't jump a third time in one go.
  • Springboards, toasters, dynamite and fans automatically catapult your knife into the air. So make sure you hit them at the right distance and, in an emergency, react quickly with a double jump.
  • You can also land multiple times on long pieces of furniture to get into a better position for the flip to the next object.

Collect the gold coins on the course and also get the daily bonus. With your winnings, you can unlock cool new knives and swords in the shop to become a real Flippy Knife champion!

More skill games for in between

Did you like Flip Knife? Then take a look at Slice It All and cut through obstacles. Or show how fast you can chop vegetables in Slice Rush.

Sharpen your knife and prove your talent for perfect timing! Play Flip Knife now for free online on KibaGames!

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Flip Knife

Flip Knife
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