
Alien Attack

Approved for Ages 12+

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Alien Attack - Battle in space!

Alien Attack is an explosive action game in which you have to defeat enemy aliens with a spaceship without being destroyed yourself.

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You probably already know the game principle from the arcade classic "Space Invaders". In this version of the game, you control your spaceship with the mouse or touchscreen and can fly freely across the playing field. Skillfully dodge lasers, bombs and UFOs and cover your enemies with shots.

React quickly, because your opponents attack you in different ways: Some of the space aliens drop slow bombs, while others pounce on your spaceship with lightning-fast melee attacks.

Destroy wave after wave of the extraterrestrial threat and take on powerful motherships in thrilling boss battles. These bosses have insidious attacks that you must skillfully dodge and reduce their life bar to zero. Once you have defeated one of the bosses, you will receive a new spaceship with new weapons.

If you lose all three of your hearts, the game is over. You receive points for your score for every alien you destroy. Collect the power-ups floating in space and shoot increasingly powerful volleys at your enemies. Can you save humanity from the aliens and set a high score?

More intergalactic space shooters

If you enjoyed Alien Attack, why not defeat aliens in classic retro style and play Space Alien Invaders or Atari Missile Command!

Fend off waves of enemy spaceships and set a high score! Play Alien Attack online for free now on KibaGames!

Details about

Alien Attack

  • Online since: 05.|04.|2024
  • Publisher: Famobi (322)
Alien Attack
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