
Villains TikTok Dancers

Approved for all ages

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  4. Villains TikTok Dancers

Villains TikTok Dancers - put together four hip looks!

Villains TikTok Dancers is a glamorous dress-up game in which you'll be able to create four stylish looks for video performances.

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Four TikTok dancers want you to advise them on styling to look good in their videos on the social media platform. First of all, make them up with a unique and impressive makeup. Use lipstick, eyeshadow, mascara, blush and contact lenses of your choice. Then dress the TikTok dancers in stylish and modern clothes. Long and short dresses or pantsuits full of sequins are available to choose from, so that the four influencers in the spotlight create beautiful light reflections through their dance moves.

Round off the glittery outfits with hats, hair accessories or hair bands. Matching glasses and a trendy handbag can also be used as accessories. Also, give the four dancers various items to hold in their hands. This includes, for example, the smartphone that can be used to record the dance video. A glass of juice for refreshment or a microphone for additional singing will also come in handy for the TikTok dancers.

Style the best looks for cool dance videos again now and play Villains TikTok Dancers free online on KibaGames!

Details about

Villains TikTok Dancers

  • Online since: 28.|12.|2022
  • Publisher: Bitent (246)
Villains TikTok Dancers
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