
Timberland Arrange Puzzle

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  4. Timberland Arrange Puzzle

Timberland Arrange Puzzle - Arrange the animal trios!

Timberland Arrange Puzzle is an innovative brain game in which you have to place three animals in three colors on a 9x9 playing field.

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Train your brain and solve the puzzles in numerous levels by following various clues and adding the missing animals and colors through logical thinking.

The aim of the game is to find a place on the playing field for each animal and to color them in three colors. Similar to Sudoku, the elephant, owl and fox may only appear once in each color, yellow, blue and red, in the grid. It is not allowed to have the same animal of the same colour on the board twice.

How to play Timberland Arrange Puzzle

Look at the clues above the playing field and apply them to the boxes in the grid.

  • Use the buttons to select an animal, then click on the desired square and the animal will appear in the grid.
  • Choose a color and click on the animal again to color it in.
  • If you want to implement a color hint first, you can simply color in the corresponding square.
  • If you want to delete a square, click on the red cross and then on the square in the grid.
  • Use the little arrow to undo a move.
  • The further you get, the trickier the tasks become. In the later levels, take your time to look at all the clues and start by filling in the squares that you are sure are correct.

Work your way through over 90 levels and unlock more difficulty levels to test your logical thinking skills!

More exciting puzzle games with animals

If you liked Timberland Arrange Puzzle, then why not also try Cat Sorter Puzzle and sort fluffy kittens by color on chairs.

Combine all the clues cleverly, fill in the grid and play Timberland Arrange Puzzle online for free now on KibaGames!

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Timberland Arrange Puzzle

Timberland Arrange Puzzle
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