
Parisian Style

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  3. Dress Up
  4. Parisian Style

Parisian Style - Discover the French style!

Parisian Style is a charming dress-up game in which you'll be able to put together four outfits in the style of the French capital!

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Paris is considered a fashion metropolis and a dream destination. This is also the case for the four influencers who are traveling to the city of love to prove their fashion sense. First, choose the right makeup for your trip. You have the choice between different lipsticks, blush, eye shadow and mascara, so that each of the girlfriends can shine in their individual style.

Then, for French chic, you can choose between different elegant and classic clothing combinations. Use blouses with pants or skirts and high quality dresses. Trendy pieces such as long vests are used only in very measured doses and in neutral colors, because the French Chic should look timeless. Style a nice hairstyle afterwards and crown it with an elegant beret or a casual hat. A large pair of sunglasses and a high-quality bag complete the look. Of course, jewelry for the neck and ears should not be missing.

Especially suitable for fans of Barbie games!

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Parisian Style

  • Online since: 10.|03.|2023
  • Publisher: Bitent (246)
Parisian Style
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