
Monkey Happy Stage 886

Approved for all ages

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Monkey Happy Stage 886
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  2. Puzzle
  3. Monkey Go Happy
  4. Monkey Happy Stage 886

Monkey Happy Stage 886 - Cheeky fairies in the enchanted forest!

Monkey Happy Stage 886 is a fun mini-game in which you have to solve puzzles and help two animal fairies!

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The blonde fairy is missing her pegs to hang the freshly washed white laundry on the line, while her prankster friend only has mischief on her mind. She wants a bag and a magic wand, but what do you think is in the bag? Help the two winged creatures in monkey form to find the desired items by cracking codes and solving all the puzzles. But will all the monkeys really be happy in the end?

Explore the little hut in the enchanted forest and open all the compartments and hiding places. The sword surely can be used as a multifunctional tool...  

Cleverly decipher all the clues, combine parts in your inventory to create complete keys and symbols and make your grandma monkey laugh again!

Embark on a magical adventure in the enchanted forest and help a mischievous fairy with a prank! Play Monkey Happy Stage 886 online for free on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 886

  • Online since: 24.|10.|2024
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (295)
Monkey Happy Stage 886
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