
Monkey Happy Stage 818

Approved for Ages 6+

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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 818

Monkey Happy Stage 818 - Mystery in Halloween Town!

Dive into the surreal worlds of director Tim Burton with the monkeys and unravel the secrets of the haunted house!

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Timothy "Tim" Walter Burton is an American screenwriter, producer and film director who is best known for his bizarre and comical horror films. His often extravagant films are frequently characterized by surreal settings, plots and characters. He likes to incorporate elements from the gothic and underground scene into his films. His works include comic and book adaptations such as "Batman" and "Alice in Wonderland". His most famous work is probably the stop-motion film "The Nightmare Before Christmas" from 1993, which tells the story of Jack Skellington, a skinny skeleton in a pinstripe suit who lives in Halloween Town and embarks on an adventurous journey to Christmas Town.

Now the monkeys also meet some of Tim Burton's scary characters. But you don't need to be afraid, on the contrary: The creepy monkeys need your help to open the gate to the house. Solve exciting puzzles and uncover the secrets of the haunted house!

Help Jack "Monkey" Skellington and the other Halloween characters with tricky logic puzzles! Play Monkey Happy Stage 818 online for free now on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 818

  • Online since: 07.|03.|2024
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (296)
Monkey Happy Stage 818
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