
Monkey Happy Stage 804

Approved for all ages

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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 804

Monkey Happy Stage 804 - Journey to Neverland!

Join the monkeys in this entertaining mini-game in the magical world of Peter Pan and help them solve exciting puzzles.

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Get ready for an exciting adventure with Peter Pan, his friend, the fairy Tinkerbell, and the girl Wendy. Peter Pan is the main character of the children's story of the same name by Scottish author J. M. Barrie. The book tells the story of a magical boy who never wants to grow up. While searching for his lost shadow, he meets the girl Wendy and takes her and her brother to his home, a fantastic place called Neverland. There they meet Peter Pan's friends, the "Lost Boys", and experience exciting adventures together. In the process, they encounter all kinds of villains such as the notorious pirate Captain Hook and the ticking crocodile.

Now Peter Pan the monkey needs your help to find his magic fairy dust so that he can fly again. And Wendy and Tinkerbell also need your help. Take a good look around and solve tricky puzzles, but make sure you don't run into the crocodile!

Explore Neverland and join the monkeys on their magical journey! Play Monkey Happy Stage 804 online for free now on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 804

  • Online since: 18.|01.|2024
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (296)
Monkey Happy Stage 804
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