
Monkey Happy Stage 800

Approved for Ages 12+

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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 800

Monkey Happy Stage 800 - Help monkey Kevin against the burglars!

Monkey Happy Stage 800 is a fun puzzle game in which you have to help little animal Kevin defend his house against two burglars in the spirit of the hit US movie "Home Alone".    

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In the hustle and bustle of vacation preparations, his family has forgotten little monkey Kevin at home and flown off on vacation without him. The two burglars Marv and Harry want to take advantage of the opportunity and rob the supposedly abandoned home, but they've done the math without clever Kevin!

Solve puzzles and help the little monkey in the game to defeat the crooks and defend his home. Decipher the color code and take a close look at the family portraits on the wall. Perhaps the names have a special meaning and will help you to open the safe? Find all the items Kevin needs to escape from the room and teach the clumsy thieves a funny lesson. Collect the little mini monkeys and make the sad little monkey laugh again!      

Save Kevin's Christmas and defeat the burglars! Play Monkey Happy Stage 800 online for free now on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 800

  • Online since: 04.|01.|2024
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (296)
Monkey Happy Stage 800
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