
Monkey Happy Stage 792

Approved for all ages

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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 792

Monkey Happy Stage 792 - Monkey business on the rails!

Monkey Happy Stage 792 is an exciting mini-game in which you help railroad worker monkeys to repair the tracks at Mount Rushmore.

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Mount Rushmore National Memorial is one of the most famous landmarks in the USA and is located in the Black Hills in the state of South Dakota. The memorial consists of the portrait heads of four influential US presidents carved into the side of Mount Rushmore. The four portraits of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln are each 18 meters high and can be seen from afar. The monument was completed in 1941 and still attracts numerous tourists today.

The animal Mount Rushmore of the monkeys is also very popular, especially the steam train that takes you past it. But there has been an accident and now stones are blocking the tracks. Your help is needed so that the monkeys can clear the track and the train can pass. Solve challenging puzzles and make sure that the workers get their lunch break amidst all the stress!

Clear the tracks for the steam locomotive and experience an exciting day at Mount Rushmore with the monkeys! Play Monkey Happy Stage 792 online for free now on KibaGames!

Details about

Monkey Happy Stage 792

  • Online since: 30.|11.|2023
  • Publisher: Pencilkids (296)
Monkey Happy Stage 792
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