
Monkey Happy Stage 766

Approved for all ages

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  4. Monkey Happy Stage 766

Monkey Happy Stage 766 - It's monkey time at Comic-Con!

Monkey Happy Stage 766 is an exciting mini-game in which you'll have to help the little monkeys so that nothing goes wrong during their visit to Comic-Con.

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The little monkeys are very excited: finally they are going to Comic-Con! There they will not only meet lots of people with cool costumes, but also many of their old friends. Pesky the rabbit is there and even Supermonkey has come to see his fans. But for his perfect appearance Supermonkey is still missing something. Because what would a superhero be without a cape that blows in the wind?

But he's not the only one who needs help: many cosplayers at the fair are not yet satisfied with their costumes and need your support! Can you become a superhero yourself and solve the puzzles to bring people what they need?

At the convention, there's everything to discover about comics, superheroes and the latest movies. A highlight each year is the many people who dress up like their favorite characters.

Look around to make sure the monkeys get their money's worth, too, and help turn the guests into real heroes!

Solve tricky puzzles and help the monkeys on their Comic-Con adventure! Play Monkey Happy Stage 766 online for free on KibaGames!

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Monkey Happy Stage 766

Monkey Happy Stage 766
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