
Ella's Rainy Wedding Planner

Approved for all ages

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  4. Ella's Rainy Wedding Planner

Ella's Rainy Wedding Planner - style the bride for any weather!

Ella's Rainy Wedding Planner is a fun dress-up game in which you'll be able to prepare Ellie's party and outfit for every imaginable weather condition.

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For their own wedding, every bride and groom wishes for bright sunshine, but sometimes the weather doesn't play along after all. Prepare bride Ellie for a rainy day and design the ceremony so that no attendee has to get wet if it starts to rain.  

Apply a good makeup and sunscreen first in case the weather does turn very sunny. This is followed by a colorful makeup. After makeup, you can put together a romantic wedding bouquet. After that, choose a beautiful wedding dress, a veil and a matching umbrella with which the bride can protect herself from the rain.

After that, it's time to design the wedding venue. Would you rather have the wedding ceremony and reception outdoors or indoors? Whether you choose a large hall, a beach wedding or a dreamy clearing in the woods, a canopy, chairs, a rug and, of course, a table for the bride and groom must also be chosen and decorated.

Especially popular with fans of Barbie games!

This is a day Ellie will never forget! Prepare the party for all kinds of weather so that Ellie can get married in peace and play WElla's Rainy Wedding Planner free online on KibaGames!

Details about

Ella's Rainy Wedding Planner

  • Online since: 23.|04.|2021
  • Publisher: Witchhut (107)
Ella's Rainy Wedding Planner
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