
Design My Tie Dye Top

Approved for all ages

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  4. Design My Tie Dye Top

Design My Tie Dye Top - Dye unique patterns!

Design My Tie Dye Top is a creative dress-up game where you can design four tops using the trendy dyeing technique!

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Batik patterns, also known as tie dye, are created by tying fabrics with strings or cables and then dyeing them. The tied-off areas remain free of new color and unique patterns and color transitions are created. Your four friends also want to make a batik top and pair it with their matching outfit. First, choose the shape and color of the top that will be dyed. You can choose from crop tops, long-sleeved shirts, tank tops or regular T-shirts. Then design the textiles with the colors and shapes of your choice and create an individual and creative look! Combine the batik top with matching accessories and pants or skirts and your outfit is ready!

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Let the summer come! Create the most beautiful tie dye patterns now and play My Batik Top free online on KibaGames!

Details about

Design My Tie Dye Top

  • Online since: 24.|05.|2023
  • Publisher: Bitent (246)
Design My Tie Dye Top
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