
Build A Snowman

Approved for all ages

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  4. Build A Snowman

Build A Snowman - Put the snowman back together again!

Build A Snowman is a wintry puzzle game in which you have to skillfully move the body and head of a snowman to put him back together again.

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Olaf the snowman has a problem: he has lost his body! This happens to him all the time and now he needs your help to find it again. Use the arrow keys, the mouse or the touch input to move your snowman. But be careful: you always move both the head and the body in the same direction at the same time. So plan your approach carefully, because you can't celebrate Christmas with half a snowman!

Hot fires and hard walls

Various obstacles await you in the levels, which you can use to your advantage, but which can also be dangerous for Olaf:

  • If a fire is burning in a field, you must not move on it, otherwise the part of the snowman will melt and the level will be over.
  • Obstacles such as stone walls, trees or similar will stop your movement. Use them to block the head or body if you only want to move one of the two parts.
  • Gates must be opened by collecting a key.
  • Teleporters transport the body part that passes through them to the teleporter's counterpart.

Puzzle your way through 30 challenging levels and explore different environments, from icy winter landscapes to hot deserts!

More logic puzzles for the winter season

If you enjoyed Build A Snowman, why not play Snail Bob 6: Winter Story?

Use your brain, plan your moves carefully and put the snowman back together again! Play Build A Snowman now for free on KibaGames!

Details about

Build A Snowman

  • Online since: 18.|11.|2023
  • Publisher: Inlogic (145)
Build A Snowman
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