
Americana Fashion

Approved for all ages

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  1. Start
  2. Lifestyle
  3. Dress Up
  4. Americana Fashion

Americana Fashion - Become a US fashion star!

Americana Fashion is a fashionable dress-up game in which you can create looks that are typical of the Americana fashion style.

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Travel to the USA, the land of superlatives, the Statue of Liberty and barbecues, and design nostalgic outfits with an Americana aesthetic. From blue jeans and T-shirts to retro summer dresses with stars and stripes motifs and cowboy boots, you'll find a wide selection of clothing and accessories to create a completely individual American look for your character.

Combine skirts, tops, jackets and dresses and choose a matching background. For example, create an outfit to go to the park or to enjoy the fireworks on US National Day, the 4th of July. Take inspiration from western movies and dress the young woman like a real cowgirl with matching leather boots, vest and cowboy hat.

If you prefer the glamor of Hollywood, you will also find Marylin Monroe's iconic white dress in the selection and, alternatively, some items of clothing with which you can recreate the outfits of US superstar Taylor Swift. Or dress your American girl like a cheerleader or as a modern Wonder Woman!

Of course, typical American accessories are a must: Complete your look with a cool bottle of Coke or an ice cream in the colors of the American flag, red, white and blue.

More lifestyle games for fashion enthusiasts

If you like Americana Fashion, why not design glamorous outfits for movie stars in Hollywood Stars Designer Outfits?

Get to know the fashion of the land of opportunity and create iconic looks in Americana style! Play Americana Fashion online for free now on KibaGames!

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Americana Fashion

Americana Fashion
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